Monday, June 21, 2010

(BLOG) Hamas Summer Camps: A Midsummer Day’s Nightmare

"Summer is here, and the Guardian has turned its attention to the activities organised for the children of Gaza in the area’s various summer camps. In a collection of photographs the reader is shown summer fun with water, sea and sand which could be taking place anywhere in the world, but among those photographs we also see this one, accompanied by the benign description 'A trainer helps Palestinian boys chant slogans during a summer camp run by Hamas at a school in Gaza City'.

However, the Guardian apparently sees no reason to inform its readers as to the nature of the slogans chanted, or the other kinds of activities in which children are encouraged to participate at the gender-separated Hamas-run summer camps, despite the ample evidence available.

No mention of the military training given to young boys, the mock kidnappings of Israeli soldiers, the promotion of Jihad and suicide bombing as an aspiration for immature and malleable minds."

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My Opinion

Hamas is a sick organization, no matter what the cause, it is unacceptable for any organization to teach children to hate or to teach them any of this evil mindless crap which paints their own future for them - these are sick sick people who are molding the minds of young children to do their dirty work...

How can you or anyone else think of supporting Hamas or people like this? You need your head checked if this is who you support in a world of many other options...

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