Monday, June 21, 2010

(NEWS) Tried To Boycott Israeli Ship, Blocked Chinese Ship Instead

"Some 500 anti-Israel protestors arrived at the Oakland, California port early Sunday morning, hoping to block an Israeli ship from unloading its cargo. However, the ship did not arrive, and the crowd prevented workers from unloading a Chinese ship instead.

The protestors say they were protesting the recent Israel-Turkey flotilla incident, though they displayed great ignorance about what actually happened; one of them even compared barely armed Israeli Defense Forces troops with Somali pirates."

Related Article:

Video: Protesters Attempt To Block Israeli Ship From Docking At California Port

My Opinion

I loath activists like this!! They are like little naive maggots that think they are doing the world good but they are only making matters worse because they do not have the full information and they are purely reacting on their own emotions, their emotions block their logic to see clearly and to realize that things are not always what they think it is...

Why do they have to bring in South African Apartheid, it is not even closely connected to the situation here, they just see a wall and therefore it must be Apartheid... this shows their level of intelligence...

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