Sunday, June 20, 2010

(NEWS) Women Are The 'Secret Weapon'

"Organizer of flotilla: 'thieving enemy' won't use arms against women."

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My Opinion

I am still trying to figure out why they believe that Israel is afraid of women being on a flotilla, they do not care who is on the flotilla as long as they are not hostile and comply with their rightful commands... They are the one's breaking the law in the first place so Israel will deal with them in the same way they deal with anyone who breaks the law, they will be arrested but if the flotilla of women decide to attack with weapons then of course they will be restrained like any other...

A person with a weapon, whether make of female, is regarded as hostile, why should women be treated any different to men if their intentions are the same, perhaps Israel should send females commandos to deal with them, then the bleeding hearts of the world will have nothing to talk about...

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