Saturday, July 10, 2010

(BLOG) Muslim Brotherhood Launches Its Own "Facebook" Site, "Ikhwanbook"

"The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s powerful Islamist opposition movement, will launch its own version of the hugely popular social networking website Facebook within the next several months, its members say.

IkhwanBook, which is already up, running and accepting members at, borrows many of the same social concepts – such as image and video sharing, live chatting and online 'friendships' – that attracted some 400 million users to the original Facebook after only six years.

Yet given the Brotherhood’s goals of recruiting new members....the new site seems somewhat counter-intuitive, say some of the movement’s followers and observers. With a subscriber base that exceeds the population of most large countries, Facebook should be the perfect platform for propagating ideas and attracting adherents.

But defenders of the site say they envision IkhwanBook as a complementary parallel – not a replacement – for Facebook. The organisation, members say, wants a social networking site of its own that can be tailored to its unique need for privacy, security and decency."

My Opinion

I decided to check out the site and register an account with them, unfortunately less than 1 hour after I registered the account I was banned from the site.

No warning or notice was sent to me informing me that I am banned for a specific reason, a simple deletion of my account took place as well as blocking my email address from re-registering with them...

Their "Terms of use" policy only contained the following 3 lines which was written in Arabic:

1 - we can discuss all the opinions freely in a civilized manner
2 - Do not put any material shamelessly
3 - is strictly prohibited to attack persons or bodies

Nowhere in there does it state that I may not join their site if I am from Israel or any other reason why I should have been banned...

So I have emailed the administrator asking why it is that I was banned and why I was not notified of the reason. I have not received a response and probably will never but I will update this article if I am fortunate enough to receive a reason for this...

You are able to browse their groups without being registered, you can use this link to view what groups they have so far...

Of course there would be a "I Hate Israel" group in the top listing, view it here... This seems to be the sites main purpose!

The site, consisting mainly of Egyptians, has over 2000 registered users already...

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