Tuesday, September 28, 2010

(BLOG) Palestinian Jews And Israeli Arabs

"Jews living in what may become a future Palestinian state should have the same native status and rights to citizenship and land in that state as Arabs do in ours.

Freezing growth of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, on the assumption that these lands will become part of a future sovereign Palestine, might arguably be fair were the same principle applied in equal measure to Arab cities and villages in Israel. Were Arabs forbidden to rent or purchase new land or to expand their cities, it would be judged racist and loudly protested. Israeli Arabs are Israeli citizens. Most of them had progenitors or brethren that lived in what is now Israel at the time of its reestablishment. And you know what? Jews living in what may become a future Palestinian state would then have the same native status and rights to citizenship in that state.

Would Jews really consent to be loyal citizens of a Palestinian state whose newly established borders included them? Well, why would they be any less loyal to it, if they remain there, than Israeli Arabs (of which the corresponding question could be asked) are to Israel?"

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