Saturday, September 18, 2010

(BLOG) Wild Jewish New Year Prophecies

"Kabbalists predict China's demise, Israel's expansion into Syria, and a giant jellyfish attack.

The Jewish New Year is upon us and with it a number of predictions, coming surprisingly from the mouths of rabbis specializing in 'kosher' mysticism. Among prophecies issued are the collapse of empires, the death of a non-Jewish leader, and the flourishing of Israel's economy.

'God will cleanse the world and erase China from the world this year, and there will be rough winds there,' Nir Ben-Artzi, a local kabbalist rabbi, told a conference on Yom Kippur held in Telamim.

Europe and the US would also 'fall apart', he said, adding, 'The earth is tired of the impurity in the world and that is why there will be earthquakes.'"

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