Sunday, September 5, 2010

(NEWS) Egyptian TV: 'Islam Will Conquer Italy And The Entire West'

"MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) has released a transcript of excerpts from a televised sermon given by Egyptian cleric Salem Abu Al-Futuh. Airing on Al-Nas TV on August 18, it features Al-Futuh’s confident predictions that Islam will take over the entire West, beginning specifically with Italy and ending with North and South America.

The transcript of Salem Abu Al-Futuh’s talk:

The nation of Islam will return – despite our current crisis and despite the arrogance of the West. The West is bound to be destroyed. Just like Allah destroyed the Byzantine and Persian empires, he will destroy the West at the hands of the Muslims. This is an unequivocal promise. These countries will convert to Islam. Islam will reach these countries."

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