Tadmit, the Center for Strengthening Democracy in Israel Media, contacted GPO Head Daniel Seaman Sunday and demanded that he take immediate action against the journalists who were present at the violent event."
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
(NEWS) Media Watchdog: Punish Journalists From Shiloach Rock Ambush
"A media watchdog group has asked the Government Press Office to suspend the press cards of reporters and cameramen who were present at the ambushing of a Jewish man and his son at Shiloach (Silwan) in Jerusalem Friday.
Tadmit, the Center for Strengthening Democracy in Israel Media, contacted GPO Head Daniel Seaman Sunday and demanded that he take immediate action against the journalists who were present at the violent event."
Tadmit, the Center for Strengthening Democracy in Israel Media, contacted GPO Head Daniel Seaman Sunday and demanded that he take immediate action against the journalists who were present at the violent event."