Sunday, June 20, 2010

(BLOG) The Big Lie Of Israeli 'Organ Harvesting' Resurfaces As YouTube Video On Haiti Earthquake Goes Global

"In a disturbing illustration of what can happen when one person takes a message of hate and incitement to the Internet, the Big Lie of Israeli organ harvesting for profit has again resurfaced and gone global practically overnight, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Claims that the Israel Defense Forces mobile hospital unit in Haiti may be involved in stealing organs were first made in a video posted on YouTube by a Seattle man who identified himself as 'T. West' of 'AfriSynergy Productions.'

The allegations in his video spread globally in less than a day – a phenomenon that ADL said 'demonstrates both the power of the Internet to spread disinformation, and the ability of any individual to disseminate the Big Lie with ease.'"

Related Article:

How One Man's Rant Spread Globally

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