The blog administrator tells his story, in the same way that most of us here see it and in a way that all of the leftists in Israel and Anti-Zionists in the world need to start seeing it, for there is enough evidence proving that things are not what they seem regarding this incident and many others alike...
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My Opinion
Israel needs more of these opportunities to be able to voice their intellectual opinions on these situations to international news sources.
Why I see this as important is directly related to the fact that many Israeli's have served in the armed forces as fighters and most of them have a very different story to tell than what the media spins, they have witnessed first hand what the Hamas is doing to their own people and to Israel and they have also experienced first hand how the IDF conducts its missions in the most moral manner as is possible...
These people should have the opportunity to air their direct experiences in these situations as they have more of a truth to tell than what the media will ever know and will ever tell...