Monday, July 19, 2010

(NEWS) Debunk Of Comparison Between Israel, Apartheid South Africa

"‘We wanted to provide the audience with the tools to tackle this false analogy.’

Over 200 concerned Israelis, many of them of South African origin, attended a panel on 'Combating Israel’s Delegitimization: Debunking the Apartheid Myth,' held Sunday evening at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem.

The event was organized by two South African olim, Ari Rudolph and Diane Morrison, as part of their year-long project for the Legacy Heritage Fellowship."

Here are 2 videos, not related to the article but related to the subject of Israel being regarded as an Apartheid state...

Is Israel An Apartheid State?

Dr. Bard: Myths And Facts 15 "Is Israel An Apartheid State?"

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