Thursday, September 2, 2010

(NEWS) In Sderot, Help From Boston Is Taking Root

"On July 28th a group of 12 Bostonians left for Israel to work in a camp for children of Sderot. We spent three weeks in Israel that included two weeks of work in the camp, a few days of preparing the camp, and a few days of touring the country. They were two adults (myself and my partner in this mission, Boston ceramics artist Sasha Raiz, and ten young adults who went to Israel to work as counselors. Before we left, a good friend of mine, a talented and perceptive young man asked: “How could you, a CEO of a growing educational company, leave for three weeks before the start of the academic year?” He had a point.

I will try to answer his question on these pages.

A bit of history first. I got involved with this project four years ago when the Russian Jewish community of Boston decided to bring twenty children from Sderot. The idea then was to give children at least a few weeks of respite from constant barrage of Kassams. Children came, spent a few weeks in Boston, and left with our hearts attached to them forever. After initial encounter it became very clear, that if we wanted to have impact, we had to work with these children and their peers in Israel, and that this would be a long-term project."

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